18 June 2015 – Bald is beautiful. This is why 61 ComfortDelGro cabbies will forego their tresses in support of Hair for Hope 2015 today.
This is the second year that CabbyCare Charity Group (CabbyCare), a voluntary organisation made up of some 150 ComfortDelGro cabbies, is supporting Hair for Hope, which is Children’s Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) annual fundraising event.
In all, they are making a $20,000 donation. ComfortDelGro Taxis will be matching this sum, bringing the total donation to CCF to $40,000.
Said Mr Ang Kim Thye, Chairman of CabbyCare: “We did not want it to be just a one-time effort when we supported Hair for Hope last year. That is why we have committed ourselves into giving more this year. More cabbies have also volunteered to have their heads shaved today. Although we are cabbies, we are also parents and we want to show our support towards children with cancer and their families.”
Mr Yang Ban Seng, CEO of ComfortDelGro (Taxi Business), commended CabbyCare cabbies for always stepping forward in support of those in need. He said: “We are very proud of these cabbies who care passionately about the community they serve. To show our support for them, ComfortDelGro Taxis is matching their contribution dollar-for-dollar.”