Frequently Asked Questions About Deals


What is the new “Deals” feature on the CDG Zig App?

“Deals” is a new feature in CDG Zig where you can find amazing discounts and savings on food, fashion, entertainment, beauty and many more!

How do I make a Deals purchase?

  • Tap on “Deals” or go to “More” on the Homepage and select “Deals”;
  • Explore the various categories or use the search box to search for Deals;
  • Select a Deal to view more details, then press “Add to cart” at the bottom of the screen if you wish to purchase a Deal;
  • Click on the Cart button on the bottom right of the screen to see the Deals you have added; and
  • Select “Checkout”, enter your payment method and click on “Confirm and pay” to purchase your Deal.

Can I purchase more than one quantity for each Deal?

Yes, you can add or adjust the quantity of your Deal inside your cart.

How do I pay for my Deals purchases?

You can pay using the payment method you have saved in the App. To add payment methods, select “Add credit or debit card” at the Checkout screen, then enter your credit or debit card details. Please note that only Visa and Mastercard credit cards are accepted.

How do I know if my Deals purchase is successful?

When your payment is successfully processed, you will be redirected to a page that says “Payment successful!”.

How do I know if my Deals purchase is unsuccessful?

If your transaction is cancelled or unsuccessful, you will be redirected to a page that says “Payment unsuccessful”. No charges will be processed.

Why was my Deals purchase unsuccessful?

An unsuccessful transaction could arise from an issue with your current payment method or a high traffic volume on our App. We recommend that you try a different payment method or check out your cart at a later time.

Why do I see a “Payment pending” page after I select “Confirm and pay”?

You will be redirected to a “Payment pending” page if your transaction is still being processed or is pending your action.

What do I need to do if I see “Payment pending”?

To complete your payment, select “Activity” at the bottom navigation bar of the Homepage, and tap on “Deals”. Select the Deal that has a pending status, then tap on “Complete Payment” and follow the payment instructions.

You will also receive an in-app notification if your payment is pending. Simply tap on the notification to be redirected to the “Deals” tab under “Activity”, and complete your payment from there.

How do I check the transaction status of my Deals?

Go to “Deals” and scroll down slightly to reveal and select the Order List icon at the top-right corner of the screen. Alternatively, you can select “Activity” at the bottom navigation bar on the Homepage, and tap on “Deals” to check your current or past Deals under the “In Progress” or “History” tab.

What does the different Deals transaction status in the “Activity” page mean?

Successful: Transaction was successfully processed. Your “Deals” purchases will be available for use on “My Deals” page

Processing: Transaction was successfully processed. Your “Deals” purchases will be reflected on “My Deals” page shortly

Unsuccessful: Transaction was unsuccessful and no charges were processed

Pending: Transaction is still being processed or is pending your action to complete the payment

Where can I find my Deals purchases and redeem them?

You can find all your Deals on the “My Deals” page. “My Deals” functions like a wallet that stores all your available Deals and also reflects your redeemed and expired Deals. Tap on the Deal you wish to redeem and let the merchant scan the QR code on your screen to redeem it.

Why are the Deals that I have purchased not on the “My Deals” page?

It may take some time before your Deals are reflected on “My Deals” page. You will receive an in-App notification when your Deals are ready to be redeemed. If you do not receive the in-App notifications, please enable notifications for CDG Zig in your settings.

Can I amend or cancel my Deals purchase?

Unfortunately, once your payment has been successfully processed, we will not be able to make any amendments and cancellations to the transaction. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Can I earn ZigPoints when I purchase Deals?

Yes, you will earn ZigPoints when you make a Deals purchase. You can then use your ZigPoints to offset the fares of a Car Ride on the App. For more information, please refer to ZigRewards FAQs here.